jeudi 11 février 2010

How has globalization influence Iran sociocultural? ?

Globalization is the increasing of diverse economic, socio-cultural, military, and environmental phenomena by means of networks that span vast distances around the world.
Iranian culture is a mix of pre-Islamic and Islamic culture. Years ago, Iranian culture influenced western Europe, Africa, china, India, and the roman civilization. this influence played an important role in asian and european cultures nowadays, especially in the domain of art.
iran's culture is mainly influenced by Islam which is which is the dominant religion and which also influences the political system of the country.
Globalization which is a huge phenomena, didn't completely affect Iran's culture knowing that the Islamic Republic is an opponent to what they call "world arrongance" or imperialism. They refuse to be part of this phenomena which affects the world and with which many people lost their vision and affection for their own country, or culture.

Iranian culture which has also been influenced by persian civilization and spirit has evoluate in the domain of art considered as the richest art heritages in the world, it has also thousands years of history when it concerns music. Iranian music has developed its own pop music in te 1950's, when Vigen has introduced guitar for the first time and later on used instruments. Iranian hip-hop, rap, and rock music has been influnced by many tradditional forms of music and popular western music.
Iran's cinematographic industry has won 300 international awards in the past 25 years.
Its architecture has a continuous history from at least 5000 BCE to the present, its cuisine includes tradditional food such as kabaab, dolmeh, and cotlet, there are also fast foods and restaurants serving pizzas, hamburgers, and other kinds of food that have been influenced by amercian cuisine which spreads around the world.
Many sports are practiced in iran such as soccer and freestyle wrestling, and the most speaken languages are persian, kudisha and balochi which are western iranian languages, and pashto which is an eastern iranian language.
Globalization doesn't have a very important impact on irans' social life which is mainly based on Islam and its practices. Many of its cultural aspects have also been influenced by the dominant religion even if in iranian music, especially rap, hip-hop, and rock music, we can notice influence from the western music.

socially - the advent of global environmental challenges that might be solved with international cooperation, such as climate change, cross-boundary water and air pollution, over-fishing of the ocean, and the spread of invasive species. Since many factories are built in developing countries with less environmental regulation, globalism and free trade may increase pollution. On the other hand, economic development historically required a "dirty" industrial stage, and it is argued that developing countries should not, via regulation, be prohibited from increasing their standard of living.

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